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Throughout the year we educated employees on health hazards.


was applied to sustainable community development projects
in OML 56 during the year

  • Investing in
    our people

    Investing in our people

    Our people are an important company asset and stakeholder group. We aim to continually ensure their wellness, reward them for their loyalty and service, and compensate them for work done well. We will not ignore the need to focus on appropriate training and professional development. Our succession planning strategy should enhance sustainable organizational development and business continuity.

Competency-based training programme

We run competency-based training. Employees are provided a list of skills rquired for the performance of their duties and asked to identify any gaps in knowledge or skills. At the conclusion of each assessment, a three year training and development plan is set for the employee and a clear career progression strategy established.

Workforce wellness

Healthy employees tend to be happier and more productive employees. Therefore a safe healthy workplace is a good investment for the long term growth of the company Workforce wellness programmes are an essential aspect of our workforce development strategy.

Throughout the year we educated employees
on health hazards associated with out business as this reduces potential occupaional illness.

  • Spotlight:
    EHSSQ training

    EHSSQ training

    Employees are trained to recognize hazards and develop a positive work environment, health and safety (EHS) leadership culture. Throughout the year we educated employees on health hazards associated with the business to help reduce occupational illness. Safety equipment is provided to employees wherever needed including personal protection equipment (PPE) and they are trained to use them appropriately.

Work related fatalities at Oando 2013

We will continue to ensure that we do not become complacent about the inherent risks in our industry. We welcome the recognition of our efforts in ensuring safety in all our operations such as the award of the 2013 Intels Logistics Safety Awards to OMP for commitments to health, safety and environmental values within the workplace. OMP became a corporate member of the British Safety Council in April 2013 and received the International Safety Award by the British Safety Council during the year for commitment to high safety standards and adherence to international best practices in occupational health and safety.

Building our communities

Our host communities are key stakeholders and partners in our business. Community acceptance has a major impact on the success of our operations therefore we look for mutually beneficial relationships for site locations and ensure we make a lasting investment in the education, training and development of the community and its infrastructure.

Promoting ethical conduct

Sustainable success requires high ethical standards, zero tolerance for corruption and a commitment to acting with integrity, fairness and transparency. We shall continue to develop and implement appropriate systems and business practices for employees and business partners with an annual review of ethical conduct-related issues.


of our employees are locally employed

KPMG Ethics Hotline


The Oando Whistle blowing hotline is an avenue for employees and other stakeholders to confidentally report unlawful or unethical conduct. The service is managed by KPMG Professional Service who ensure that all reports are channelled to the appropriate authorities for investigation and resolution.